(Sorry: I only have 2 pages of these.)

41.    (Cross) In loving Memory of CHAS. N. MARSHALL. J.P., of Curriehill
        Whangaparoa. Son of the late JOHNMARSHALL (Lord CURRIEHILL)
        born in Edinburgh December 1831 and drowned off lake Takapuna 14th.
        July 1878, aged 47 years. (Previous transcription has "1879".

42.    Sacred to the Memory of DANIEL TYE born Dallingho, Suffolk, England
        who departed this life on the 23rd. of February 1876 aged 52 years. He was
          a loving husband, kind father and a meek follower of Christ. Also to
        EDMOND CHARLES TYE died and was buried at sea 22nd of March 1865
        aged 9 years; also to PEARL MOORE TYE died 8th. of June 1865 aged 3
        years; also to MARY ELIZABETH MOORE TYE died 22nd July 1871 aged
        6 years. (Previous Tomb Stone gives age of 5 years for Pearl). "The sea,
        the deep blue sea hath one, He lies where pearls lay deep. He was the
        love of all yet none O'er his grave can weep."

43.    Sacred to the Memory of MARY wife of R.C.DAVIS, died 5th. July 1877
        aged 39. "We love Him because He first loved us." 

44.    Sacred to the Memory of SAMUEL WILLIAM COOMBES, son of
        Samuel and Harriot(sic) Elizabeth COOMBES of Auckland, who
        died 11th. May 1865 aged 1 year and 8 months; ALFRED BARRON
       COOMBES born 5th. May 1877, died 6th. October 1877.

45.    In Memory of LAUNCE MARY WILCOX the beloved wife of H.O.
        DUNSFORD, 30th. March 1881.(see 72)

46.   In Loving Memory of DANIEL BERRY who died 3rd. January 1878
        aged 80 years; also his Wife MARY MATILDA who died 2nd. December
        1897 aged 90 years. Erected by their children.

47.    (Double plot with two identical crosses on stone base. One of which
is broken and missing.) In Memory of GEORGE ASHBURNER BRASSEY,
        died 28th. October 1892 aged 81 years.

48.    Iron railing. No apparent Headstone.

49.    Iron railing, broken headstone which is illegible.

50.    EDITH FLORENCE BROWN born 31st. May 1851 died 16th. January 1887.

51    (Broken Cross; top illegible) Inscription on base:- Also ROBERT BAILLIE
LUSK died 6th September 1891 aged 93.

52.    In Memory of ROBERT RAWLINSON who died at Devonport, born 27th
    July 1818 died 26th. October 1885.         

68.   In Loving Memory of HENRY ROCHEVILLE CARLOS,  beloved
        husband of MARY SKARDON, born 1st. April 1859, died 31st March
   1889. "Father in the gracious keeping, Leave me now thy servant sleeping .

69.    Concrete plot. No headstone.

70.   Sacred to the Memory of WILLIAM TYNAN POWELL, late Captain
        N.Z. Permanent Militia. Died 15th. May 1903 aged 65. At Rest.

71. (Fallen headstone) Sacred to the Memory of JOHN EDWIN POWELL
born 7th. July 1874, died 7th. July 1890. "In the midst of life we are in death"

72.  (Fallen headstone) HENRY OWEN DUNSFORD died 1st. April 1890 aged
        52;  & FRANCIS ANN (SANDERSON: One of mine) died 1st. May 1904.
        Second wife of  H.O.DUNSFORD.          

73.    In loving Memory of JAMES ANSENNE, died 6th. April 1899 ? aged  8
months. (Previous tombstone and Buriel Register give year as 1889).

74.    In loving Memory of JOHN DALEY, died 10th. January 1890 in his 35th year.     

75.    Iron railing. No headstone.

76    Concrete surround with broken cross. Nothing legible.    

77.   (Triple Plot) In Loving Memory of THOMAS MOLD.

78.    (Broken Headstone) JESSIE VICTORIA relict of the Rev. Lord George
        Osborne TOWNSHEND, died 16 April 1897, aged 76? (70?) years.
        (Previous Tombstone lists two other TOWNSHEND deaths, which may
        have been in this plot also:)
        MARGURITE daughter of C.F. & E.B. TOWNSHEND, died 7th. March
        1890 aged 10 years 5 months.
        ELIZABETH BRENDA wife of C.F.TOWNSHEND, died 22nd. May 1891
        aged 33.

79.    (Broken headstone) Sacred to the Memory of HENRY TALBOT, 3rd.
        Officer Ship "Persion Empire", drowned in Auckland Harbour while
        attempting to save the lives of three persons capsized in a pleasure
        boat 30th? March 1890, aged 21? years. "Greater love hath no man than
        this, that he lay down his life for his friends." Erected by the Captain,
        Officers and Crew and some Auckland sympathizers.

80.    In loving Memory of JAMES MAYS beloved husband of KATHERINE
         MAYS, died 27th. September 1933 aged 83 years. In loving Memory of MARY
        ANN PEARD, beloved Mother of JAMES MAYS, died 20th. July 1890, aged
        83 years. (Double Plot.)

81.    Sacred to the Memory of FRANCES SHAYLE GEORGE, wife of THOMAS
        SHAYLE GEORGE, who died 8th. September 1890, aged 61 years.

82.    (Cross is missing) WILLIAM ALFRED NORMAN died 188?

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